1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
10:00am - 11:00am (Central Time)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88491131671
Meeting ID: 884 9113 1671
Dial in by phone: (646) 558-8656
Passcode: 88491131671#
February 18, 2025: Personal Injury Claims
March 4, 2025: Speed Limits
March 18, 2025: No Township Tuesday; Spring Short Courses
April 1, 2025: No Township Tuesday; Spring Short Courses
April 15, 2025: Rules on Special Meetings
May 6, 2025: Town Board Licensing Authority
May 20, 2025: Job Posting and New Employees
June 2, 2025: Charing for Emergency Services
June 16, 2025: Strategies for Addressing Unfilled Office Vacancies
February 18, 2025: Personal Injury Claims (only presentation slides)
February 4, 2025: Fence Viewing
January 21, 2025: Parking Ordinances
January 7, 2025: Reorganization Meetings
December 17, 2024: Gifts and Bonuses
December 3, 2024: Landowner Snow Removal Ordinances
November 19, 2024: Cannabis and Drug Testing
November 5, 2024: Board of Canvass, Duties and Process
October 1, 2024: Regulation of Signage
September 17, 2024: Updates, Paid Leave, L&R
September 3, 2024: Closing Meetings
August 20, 2024: Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure Solicitations, and Cannabis Law Updates
August 6, 2024: Paid Family and Medical Leave
July 16, 2024: Cannabis Law Updates, Paid Leave MN Updates, Culverts/Drainage Overview
July 2, 2024: Storm Shelters, Townships, and Mobile Homes
June 18, 2024: Election Judges
May 21, 2024: Cybersecurity Essentials
May 7, 2024: Social Media Update!
April 16, 2024: Published Notice
March 5, 2024: Gifts and Public Officials
February 20, 2024: Public Expenditures
February 6, 2024: Town Fire Statutes | MATIT Workers Comp Survey
January 16, 2024: Creation of Township Roads
December 19, 2023: MN Paid Leave
November 21, 2023: Records Retention
November 7, 2023: Town Celebrations and Are Elected Officials Employees
October 17, 2023: Earned Sick & Safe Time
October 3, 2023: Meetings and Notice
September 19, 2023: LRIP Update and Optional Forms of Government
August 15, 2023: At-Will Employment and its exceptions
July 18, 2023: Minnesota's New Cannabis Legislation (Featuring a presentation from State Auditor Blaha)
June 20, 2023: Records Retention for Townships
June 6, 2023: Family and Medical Leave Act of 2023
May 16, 2023: Optional Forms of Township Government
April 18, 2023: Minimum Maintenance Roads
March 7, 2023: MAT Dues Increase, and Rural Towns, Urban Powers
February 21, 2023: Conflicts of Interest, Bill Tracker, and Update on MATIT Mispayment
February 7, 2023: Broadband and Credit Cards
January 17, 2023: Contracting Issues and Workers Compensation
January 3, 2023: Board of Audit, Emergency Services, and Service Charges
December 20, 2022: Transportation Funding, MAT-U, and Towns and Liquor Licenses
December 6, 2022: Conflicts of Interest and Township Funds
November 15, 2022: Clerk/Treasurer Vacancy and 2023 Day at the Capitol
November 1, 2022: Annexation and Its Discontents
October 18, 2022: Oaths of Office
October 4, 2022: Vacancies on the Town Board
September 20, 2022: Investments, Hazardous Housing, 4-Corners, and CTAS
September 6, 2022: Bylaws and Conflict of Interest
August 16, 2022: Board Powers, sam.gov Renewals, and Remote Meetings
August 2, 2022: Closed Meetings and Compatibility of Offices
July 19, 2022: Validation System, Detachment, and Sample Documents
July 5, 2022: Trainers and Contracting
June 21, 2022: Tree Demolition and Data Retention