(Officers Only) Call:

Information Library

Document Request Form
Information Library Index

The Library contains documents developed by MAT Staff for the Association’s members, and links to resources provided by third-parties.
Town officers can request copies of individual documents produced by MAT from the Library using the document numbers listed in this Index.

Information Library

Click 'Learn More' to view each topic.

Archived Spring Short Course Materials

Presentations and handouts from previous Spring Short Courses (and video recordings from virtual years).
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Broadband Infrastructure Programs.
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Clerk & Treasurer

Workplace posters.
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Lowest responsible bidder, Responsible contractor, IC-134 forms, use of RFPs, Sample contracts, Road work completion certificate.
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Certificate of Election, Secretary of State materials, Oath of Office, resolutions, guides.
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Emergency Services

Imposing a charge for services, Meeting remotely resolution, Preparedness plan.
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Hiring employees, Federal labor requirements, seasonal employees, pay equity.
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CTAS page, BSO Tutorial, Contributions and Donations, Claim form, Assessments, Investment, Indebtedness.
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General Forms

Affidavit of Personal Service, Affidavit of Mailing, Affidavit of Posting.
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MN Township Law Book

MAT attorneys have compiled laws pertaining to townships. The most recent version was compiled in 2022.
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Noxious Weeds List

Minnesota Noxious Weeds Handbooks, Trainings, Reports.
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Planning, Zoning, and Land Use

Boundary adjustment, General overview of planning and zoning handbook, Practical guide to 60-day rule.
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Records Retention

Notification forms, MN Historical Society resources, sample schedule resolution.
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Risk Management

Procedural standards for township officers, town hall rental policy, work comp basics, volunteer services agreement.
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Roads & Signs - Reflective Requirements

Federal Sign Requirements, Model Road Policies, Inspection Forms.
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Sales Tax

Local Government Industry Guide, Explanation, Exemptions, Current Sales Tax Info FAQs.
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Specific Town Duties

Animal bounties, Licensing authority, Liquor licenses, Weed inspection duties, Fence law.
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Town Meetings

Hearings, special meetings, tips for efficient meetings, Parliamentary Procedure, Annual Meeting, administrative policy.
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Township Manual

The manual introduces newly elected officials to township government. Includes 17 chapters.
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Township General Information

Optional Plans, Urban Powers, New Officer Agency Contact List, and more introductory information.
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Township Officers

Resolutions and procedures for appointing Vice- and Deputy- board members, Reimbursement Policy, Clerks as Ex-Officio Notaries.
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Township Powers

Several important guides developed by MN Association of Townships attorneys. Joint powers, ordinances, common law conflicts.
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Township Roads

Overview and statute reference, minimum maintenance, ditches, Snow/Ice, town road flowchart, drainage, lines, cartways, and more.
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Township Tuesday

The purpose of these calls with MAT Staff is to provide updates and ask questions. Feel free to review previous Township Tuesdays as a resource for you.
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