(Officers Only) Call:

Spring Short Courses

2025 Spring Short Courses

Stay tuned for more information, such as registration, schedules, and more.

Dates & Locations

Mankato & Windom dates have been rescheduled.


• Only available on-site the day of the event
• Opens at 8am at each location

$75 per person
• Please pre-write your checks out to Minnesota
Association of Townships (if unsure of the number of people joining you, still pre-write your check, and fill in dollar amount at registration)
We also accept cash
Or bill your township (by letting registration know)

Cancelation Policy: 
Refunds minus a $10.00 processing fee will be made to those who have mailed their unused registration ticket(s) with a written request, postmarked no later than May 2, 2025.

Dates & Locations

Below is a list of locations, sorted by date, for our upcoming 2025 Spring Short Courses.
Due to weather, dates may be changed for any location for the safety of our staff and attendees
(an email would be sent and our site updated).

Mankato & Windom dates have been rescheduled.

Winona - March 17

Riverport Event Center
900 Bruski Drive
Winona, MN 55987

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Rochester - March 18

Rochester Event Center
7333 Airport View Drive SW
Rochester, MN 55302

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Granite Falls - March 21

Prairie’s Edge Casino
5616 Prairies Edge Ln
Granite Falls, MN 56241

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Breezy Point - March 24

Breezy Point Resort
9252 Breezy Point Dr
Breezy Point, MN 56472

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St. Cloud - March 25

Holiday Inn and Suites
75 37th Ave
St Cloud, MN 56301

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Arlington - March 26

Arlington Event Center
204 Shamrock Dr
Arlington, MN 55307

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Willmar - March 27

Willmar Conference Center (Next to Best Western Plus)
‍2100 Highway 12 E
Willmar, MN 56201

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Alexandria - March 28

Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center
2100 Arrowwood Ln
Alexandria, MN 56308

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Mahnomen - March 31

Shooting Star Casino
777 S Casino Rd
Mahnomen, MN 56557

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Thief River Falls - April 1

Ralph Engelstad Arena
525 Brooks Ave
Thief River Falls, MN 56701

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Bemidji - April 2

The Sanford Center
1111 Event Center Dr NE
Bemidji, MN 56601

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Grand Rapids - April 3

Sugar Lake Lodge
37584 Otis Ln
Cohasset, MN 55721

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Duluth - April 4

Duluth Entertainment Convention Center
350 Harbor Dr
Duluth, MN 55802

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Mankato - April 7

Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center
1 Civic Center Plaza
Mankato, MN 56001

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Windom - April 8

Windom Community Center
1750 Cottonwood Lake Dr
Windom, MN 56101

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Our tentative schedule is available below and could change anytime without notice.

On-site registration will begin at 8:00am and the following schedules will begin at 9:00am.

Mankato & Windom dates have been rescheduled.

New Officers

9am Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance & New Officer Orentation
12pm Lunch
1pm MAT Overview; District Director Introduction/Insurance Update
2pm Town Officer Duties & Responsibilities
3pm Adjourn

Clerks & Treasurers

9am Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance & Board of Director Announcements
9:15am Post/Publish/Nothing and Meetings
10am Legislative & MAT Update and Insurance Update
11am Reorganization Meeting: Setting the Stage for a Successful Year
12pm Lunch
1pm Paid Leave Reporting & Stealing Maddie's Trivia Game
2pm Clerk/Treasurer Monthly Duties
3pm Adjourn


9am Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
9:05am MN State Fire Marshall Division
10am Local Road Research Board
11am Legislative & MAT Update and Insurance Update
12pm Lunch
1pm Navigating New Regulations on Road Approaches and Township Trivia
2pm Paid Leave Reporting & Town Road Miscellany
3pm Adjourn

Below you'll find a list of tentative classes organized by role. It can change anytime without notice.

Mankato & Windom dates have been rescheduled.

New Officer Orientation

Steve Fenske/Graham Berg-Moberg

A must-have class for ALL officers that have not attended previously. MAT will cover the many legal requirements that come with holding public office. The indispensable information in this class can help keep your township out of court and you out of jail.

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MAT Overview; District Director Introduction/Insurance Update

Jeff Krueger & Lisa Utley

Updates from the Executive Director and the MATIT Contract Services Administrator.

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Town Officer Duties & Responsibilities

Madeline Cash

Description coming soon.

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Post/Publish/Nothing and Meetings

MAT Trainers

We will be going through meetings townships have throughout the year and what should be posted, published, or both.

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Legislative & MAT Update and Insurance Update

Jeff Krueger & Lisa Utley

Updates from the Executive Director and the MATIT Contract Services Administrator.

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Reorganization Meeting: Setting the Stage for a Successful Year

Madeline Cash

MAT In-House Counsel

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Paid Leave Reporting & Stealing Maddie's Trivia Game

Steve Fenske/Graham Berg-Moberg

Paperwork and legal larceny are the orders of the day in this hour. This class will discuss the new Paid Leave Program with a focus on the reporting aspects that the clerks and treasurers may be asked to perform for their town supervisors. In the second half, we will play a clerks and treasurers version of Township Trivia, covering a variety of topics relevant to the hardest-working township officers.

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Clerk/Treasurer Monthly Duties

MAT Trainers

We will go through the year month by month list what duties are to be completed each month for clerks and treasurers.

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MN State Fire Marshall Division

Description coming soon.

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Local Road Research Board

Description coming soon.

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Legislative & MAT Update and Insurance Update

Jeff Krueger & Lisa Utley

Updates from the Executive Director and the MATIT Contract Services Administrator.

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Navigating New Regulations on Road Approaches and Township Trivia

Madeline Cash

This course provides township officers with essential knowledge of the latest regulations for driveway approaches, ensuring compliance with safety and land use standards. Participants will also engage in a fun and interactive session exploring township trivia. Walk away with practical insights and a stronger understanding of the role you serve in your community.

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Paid Leave Reporting & Stealing Maddie's Trivia Game

Steve Fenske/Graham Berg-Moberg

Paperwork and legal larceny are the orders of the day in this hour. This class will discuss the new Paid Leave Program with a focus on the reporting aspects that the clerks and treasurers may be asked to perform for their town supervisors. In the second half, we will play a clerks and treasurers version of Township Trivia, covering a variety of topics relevant to the hardest-working township officers.

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