The Manual on Town Government is updated each year.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Setting Up Township Government: Form and Operation
Chapter 3: Township Government: Town Board Elections, Meetings & Functions
Chapter 4: Running and Holding Township Office: Duties, Eligibility, and Vacancies
Chapter 5: Town Powers
Chapter 6: Town Governance: The Decision-Making Process
Chapter 7: Running Town Meetings: Complying with the Open Meeting Law and Other Notice Requirements
Chapter 8: Revenue, Finance and Debt
Chapter 9: Contracting, Sale & Purchases
Chapter 10: Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 11: Liability
Chapter 12: Liability Limitations and Immunities
Chapter 13: Managing Risk
Chapter 14: Auditing and Oversight
Chapter 15: Town Roads
Chapter 16: Planning and Zoning
Chapter 17: Boundary Adjustments: Annexation and Detachment
Chapter 18: Employment