ALL township officers are invited to join the Minnesota Association of Townships for "Township Day at the Capitol" on Monday, January 27, 2025 in St. Paul. We'll have trainings, speakers, and impactful meetings with state legislators to advocate for important township priorities. NOTE: Pre-registration closes Monday, January 20.
SCHEDULE: Monday, January 27, 2025
10:00 AM: Registration and social time - meet at the Radisson Hotel St. Paul (Capitol Ridge).
10:30 AM: Welcome, and Legislative Briefing at hotel
12:00 NOON: Lunch (provided)
12:30 PM: Buses/travel to Capitol (3 blocks away, transportation provided)
1:00 to 4:00 PM: Legislative meetings at the State Capitol with your specific House and Senate members, Open House and Speakers in the Vault
4:00 PM: Last bus back to the hotel
4:00 to 5:00 PM: Debrief and door prizes at the hotel
5:00 PM: Conclusion
COST: NEW THIS YEAR: There is no cost to attend this event! We encourage as many township officers to attend as possible.
DETAILS: Additional logistical details will be sent to registered attendees. MAT will provide all materials and make your appointments to meet with state legislators.
LODGING AND PARKING: If required, please book lodging on your own. Rooms will be available at the Radisson Capitol Ridge. Full information will be posted here by November 1. Our rate will include gated, surface level parking, along with breakfast.
QUESTIONS: If you have urgent questions, please contact MAT's communication consultant and event organizer Leslie Rosedahl at or 651.353.1818.