Changes at MATIT will require member support and action. Please read or print this letter by clicking here.
Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance Trust
Changes at MATIT Require Member Support and Action
The Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance Trust (MATIT) is celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year. During the past two decades, members have come to appreciate the value of jointly sharing in the risks and rewards of participation in an organization that is dedicated to serving the interests of the membership. The success of MATIT is a direct result of members’ loyalty and support.
As MATIT looked to position itself for the next twenty years, it was apparent that technology would play a key role in the Trust’s future. In the next few months, members will be introduced to the “new look” of MATIT and will be called upon to support the changes needed for MATIT’s continued success.
On July 1, 2022 MATIT will severe its reliance on its long-time service partner, Meadowbrook. While the change will eliminate the need to pay Meadowbrook for its services, this multi-year effort has required the Trust to build internal staff expertise to perform this work. It also required that MATIT’s electronic data, previously stored in Meadowbrook’s system, be converted to a Trust owned software. Twenty years of claims, underwriting, policy, membership and financial data will now reside on MATIT’s software platform called Origami.
Going forward, MATIT will electronically gather, store, access and share this information when needed for its operations. To accomplish this, MATIT has developed and will premier its own website this summer. The website will provide a point of communication between MATIT and members.
The new website will provide members a portal/launching pad to access Origami. Besides increasing MATIT’s efficiency, the Origami system will provide new opportunities for the Trust to better serve the membership.
The success of the “roll out” of MATIT’s new business workflows require member support. It is vitally important that members take advantage of the features and capabilities of the system.
Therefore, once Origami is activated members will be:
➢ Required to use the website to submit:
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▪ Consolidated Liability Claims/CLC (liability, property [building, structures, contents and property in the open], auto, inland marine and bond claims) to the Trust. This will expedite claims handling by MATIT including assignment of defense counsel and independent property adjusters when appropriate. Members will also be able to attach other information related to the claim (i.e., reports, statements, photographs, etc.) As an added feature, the member will receive confirmation of the submission.
▪ Workers’ compensation claims. MATIT contracts with State Fund Mutual to manage claims involving injury or illness sustained by employees performing work for the township. Currently, members submit First Reports of Injury forms to MATIT who then forwards the information to State Fund Mutual. The new process will allow members to directly submit this information to State Fund Mutual via the MATIT website. This will provide for quicker contact with the injured worker and expedite treatment and payment of claims.
Before the system “goes live” members will receive directions on how to submit a claim. Directions on “how to submit a claim” will also be available on the website. For members without internet access, MATIT will provide directions on how to submit claims.
In coming months, new system enhancements will be introduced; specifically, members will be able to:
➢ Review and update their property, inland marine, contractor’s equipment and automobile schedules via the website and print the new schedule
➢ Request and receive Certificates of Insurance
➢ Submit member contact changes to MATIT
Effective with the new renewal period, MATIT will provide each member an estimate of their next year’s contribution and most current schedules. Members will be expected to review and update theirschedules to ensure that the final contribution invoice accurately reflects the property to be insured.
Another notable change involves the 2023 Workers’ Compensation Audit process. Members will be required to submit payroll information along with their W3 electronically. The need to provide the W3 information is now a requirement of MATIT’s workers’ compensation reinsurance provider, the Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Association (WCRA). Again, for members without internet access MATIT will provide directions on how to submit the information.
To protect member’s information, MATIT will issue each member a password to submit claims, review and update schedules, request Certificates of Insurance and make contact changes. This is a needed step to safeguard the electronic exchange of information between MATIT and the member.
Other information available on the website will include board information (meeting agendas, approved minutes of Trustee meetings, staff contact information, history of the Trust and the benefits of membership. This information will be public and available to anyone without the need to use a password.
Changes is not without frustration but MATIT’s goal is to ensure a favorable member experience. We look forward to collaborating with members as MATIT positions itself and members for the future.
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